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Below are links to all of our most recent brochures and resource sheets. We encourage patients to save and print these resources for quick reference.

Foundation Brochures (Downloadable PDFs)

What is Sjögren's? (1251 KB)
Dry Eye: Diagnosis and Treatment (224 KB)
Dry Mouth: Diagnosis and Treatment (231 KB)

Foundation Flyers and Infographics (Downloadable PDFs)

This is Sjögren's (205 KB)
Living With Sjögren's Patient Survey Results (467 KB)
This is Sjögren's (Female Body Image) (1.03 MB)
This is Sjögren's (Male Body Image) (959 KB)
The Difficult to Diagnose Patient (544 KB)

Clinical Practice Guideline Resource Sheet (Downloadable PDFs)

Rheumatology Clinical Practice Guidelines for Sjögren's
Systemic Manifestations in Sjögren's Patients (PDF - 468 KB)

Oral Clinical Practice Guidelines for Sjögren's
Oral Management: Caries Prevention in Sjögren's Patients (PDF - 103 KB)

Ocular Clinical Practice Guidelines for Sjögren's
Ocular Management in Sjögren's Patients (PDF - 506 KB)

Pulmonary Clinical Practice Guidelines for Sjögren's
Pulmonary Manifestations in Sjögren's (PDF - 1.1 MB)

For more information on Clinical Practice Guidelines CLICK HERE

Resource Sheets for Coping with Sjögren's (Downloadable PDFs)


Brain Fog (PDF - 133 KB)
Burning Mouth (PDF - 114 KB)
Dry Nose and Sinuses (PDF - 112 KB)
Dry Skin (PDF - 99 KB)
Muscle and Joint Pain (PDF - 120 KB)
Oral Candidiasis (Thrush) in Sjögren's (PDF - 99 KB)
Pediatric Sjögren's (PDF - 102 KB)
Pulmonary Involvement (PDF - 46 KB)
Raynaud's Syndrome (PDF - 110 KB)
Reflux and Your Throat (PDF - 101 KB)
Rheumatoid Arthritis (PDF - 98 KB)
Sjögren's-Related Lung (Pulmonary)  Disease  (PDF - 91 KB)
Sex and Sjögren's (PDF - 96 KB)


Resiliency Mindset Journal - 3 Hole Punch (PDF - 122 KB)
Resiliency Mindset Journal - No 3 Hole Punch (PDF - 122 KB)
Tracking Your Symptoms: Work Sheet (PDF - 912 KB)

Tips & Treatments

Brittle Nail Tips (PDF - 96 KB)
Dental Tips (PDF - 104 KB)
Dry Eye- Tips for Comfort (PDF - 137 KB)
Dry Mouth Treatments (PDF - 113 KB)
Fatigue Fighters (PDF - 131 KB)
Gastrointenstinal (GI) Tips (PDF - 89 KB)
Gynecology / Urology Tips (PDF - 112 KB)
Salivary Glands Massage (PDF - 526 KB)
Sleep Tips (PDF - 91 KB)
Sun and Sjögren's (PDF - 90 KB)
Swallowing Medications with Dry Mouth (PDF - 93 KB)


Dental Insurance Reimbursement Tips (PDF - 101 KB)
Disability Benefits- Tips on Obtaining Them From the Social Security Administration (PDF - 127 KB)
Health Insurance Tips - Part 1 (PDF - 98 KB)
Health Insurance Tips - Part 2 (PDF - 97 KB)
Letter of Medical Necessity - Dental (PDF - 73.18 KB)


Airline Travel Tips (PDF - 102 KB)
Anti-Inflammatory Diet (PDF - 106 KB)
Clinical Trials 101 (PDF - 102 KB)
Clinical Trials: Getting Involved (PDF - 100 KB)
Pregnancy in Sjögren's (PDF - 108 KB)
Surgery, Hospitals, and Medications (PDF - 125 KB)

ICD-10 Code for Sjögren's

An initiative to revise and update the ICD-10 Code for Sjögren’s, which began in 2017, was coordinated and led by the Sjögren’s Foundation, in partnership with the American College of Rheumatology and with the help and input from a group of multi-specialty experts.

Click Here for More Information (PDF - 1.1 MB) 

Foundation Spanish Materials (Downloadable PDFs)

Esto es Sjögren (PDF - 169 KB)
¿Que es el síndrome de Sjögren? (PDF - 1,177 KB)
El síndrome de Sjögren en los niños (PDF - 485 KB)

If you are a healthcare provider and would like a free set of brochures to display in your office, contact the Sjögren's Foundation at (301) 530-4420.