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Support Groups offer a place for people living with Sjögren’s to connect, share and learn about managing their daily lives with the disease.  Led by volunteer patients across the country, these groups are a way to connect Sjögren’s patients within their communities or states and allow them to learn from one another by sharing their experiences, tips, and suggestions.

These groups provide:

  • Guided topic discussions related to Sjögren’s
  • Patient-to-patient sharing of experiences
  • An opportunity to connect and exchange helpful coping techniques
  • Knowledge of helpful resources

To find out if there is a support group in your area, check the listing below.

**Corporate or organizational requests to Support Group Leaders for the purpose of product sales, marketing, or of member solicitation (e.g., participation in opinion polls or research studies) are strictly prohibited. Any such requests must be approved through the Sjögren’s Foundation by contacting