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Ask the Expert: What are the side effects of taking a low dose prednisone every day? It's the only thing that helps with my pain, but I hear it's not a long-term solution?

Prednisone belongs to the class of medications known as corticosteroids (or anti-inflammatory agents). These medications provide relief of inflammation and are used to treat a variety of medical conditions including pain, asthma, Sjögren’s and rheumatoid arthritis. As with all medications, corticosteroids have some adverse side effects related to the dose and the duration in which the medication is taken. Side effects associated with low dose (7.5 mg/day or less) daily prednisone are less severe than those seen with higher doses (greater than 30mg/day) and can usually be managed with precautions. Common side effects of daily low dose prednisone include elevated blood pressure, swelling, changes in blood sugar, increased appetite, weight gain, insomnia, osteoporosis (thinning of bones), irregular menstrual periods, and mood changes. Serious side effects associated with higher doses and long-term use (greater than 1 month) are impaired wound healing, decreased growth (in children), decreased muscle production, fat deposits, stomach ulcers or bleeding, vision problems, higher risk for infection, and in rare cases life-threatening allergic reactions.

Although the list of side effects may make you wonder whether you should take this medication or not, please be reassured that many people take daily low dose prednisone with minor or no side effects. The following self-care tips may help minimize some of the side effects associated with prednisone. For those experiencing swelling and/or elevated blood pressure, a healthy low sodium diet, regular exercise, and stress management can help to keep your blood pressure under control while taking daily low dose prednisone. If you have diabetes, it is important to monitor your blood sugar and report any severe fluctuations in blood sugar to your provider. It is recommended that prednisone be taken with food or milk to minimize stomach upset and reduce the chance of stomach ulceration. Schedule yearly eye exams and report any new changes in vision to your eye doctor. Long term corticosteroid therapy may cause thinning of bones (osteoporosis) which increases the risk of bone fracture. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about vitamin D and calcium supplementation to help protect your bones. Since long term prednisone use can increase your risk for infection, ask your doctor or pharmacist to review your vaccination history and be sure to stay up to date on all of your recommended vaccines. Alert your family members and friends about the possibility of mood changes associated with this medication, so they can help detect any unusual changes in your behavior. Report any changes in mood or behavior to your doctor.

Although experiencing side effects is unpleasant, it is crucial to avoid sudden discontinuation of this medication. Never stop or decrease your dose unless instructed by your doctor. Your doctor can instruct you on how to slowly decrease your dose if you need to stop taking this medication for any reason.

By Ajay John, Pharmacy Intern and Kayli Smith, Pharm.D

This article was first printed in  the Foundation's patient newsletter for members. Click here to learn more about becoming a member. 

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Hi Joe
I have suffered with the loss of Taste and smell for over 25years since i had and operation to remove nasal polyps.
I to stumbled across prednisone by accident after being prescribed it after minor surgery.
The results were fantastic and my sense of taste and smell returned after about 7 days.
I only take 10mg a day for two weeks usually twice a year before i go on holiday.
I am 68 years old and like you can't see the harm in taking 5mg a day long term.
I would appreciate and updates you may have in the last two years.

Hi, I was researching info on prednisone and read your post.
I'm a yoga instructor and Ayurvedic consultant.
Ayurveda recognizes the loss of taste and smell as an elemental imbalance.
If you saw a practitioner they would put you on a Pancha Karma cleanse.
This initially involves a dietary change, a short fast and reintroduction of foods to reestablish your digestive fire.
Try strong ginger root daily 20 mins before eating, chewy at regular intervals. This stimulates digestive fire.
Sesame seed oil, a drop in each nostril every night before bed. Try these for a month.
Stay hydrated with regular warm water, add sea salt and lemon every morning.
As the elements balance - earth, water, fire, air, ether your subtle senses should return.
If you're interested in more info, I'd be happy to help!
Rachel 626-319-2158

You wrote: "but at 64 years and not wanting to live anymore in a world that is rapidly disintegrating, I'm willing to opt for a shorter amount of time left here on Earth before my departure date, with my taste and smell sensors intact and fully functional."

That's poignant. Doctors these days don't care about the patient's wishes -- too arrogant or maybe too dumb, or a little of both -- the Dr might know best, but the patient is the Captain of the ship -- not sure who said that but it holds true here.

Hi Joe I have some bottles left over but these are 25mg of prednisolone. I could send them to you. You will have to break them apart though. I am not a doctor but prednisolone has healed my graves disease that all of a sudden turned up hand in hand with covid which is a virus- often kicking off an autoimmune disease. Maybe I had something underlying like shingles from many years back but there were no doctors willing to listen to my observations until there was one and I thank the Lord for him. It works anti inflammatory and you must take plant-derived calcium like for example red algae. Also vitamin D. Very very important is also managing sleep. You must sleep at least 8 hours. Half of the inflammation in a livings body is caused by not enough sleep.
On a low dose you should be able to take prednisolone for many years with no reactions. The problem with your smelling Senses might also go away with GumbyGumby an Australian major anti-inflammatory and detox working natural medicine. Also works great for any flu-like symptoms or lung problems. Like when a cold sits deeper it will clear it up! Skin problems like eczema or itching.
Also the herb Thyme, drunk in a tea daily and give turmeric a go with ginger. All of these are natural and might actually work without prednisolone. Make them regulars.
Anyway, I hope you read this and hope you find a solution or get a dog - they get prednisolone prescribed for all kinds of things.
Be really careful not to take higher doses than what you have been taking or you will wake up like a puff fish and your bones will become brittle.
All the best

I’ve taken goriest day’s dose 4 mg per pill-now on 2nd day’s mood swing (BRAIN FOG, physically and DUMB. I’m going to “Y” to work out and OFF Methylprednisolone!!!👍

— Jan 10, 2022

I have been taking prednisone between 5 and 20 mg up and down for a year because I have dermatitis around my lips and cracked lips. The prednisone causes thrush in my mouth medication has not cleared it up, and in which I have had for a long time. Can thrush in the mouth have long term side effects?

I too had the same problem. My primary had me on 40 mg. Daily so I got oral thrush. My primary give me a couple of meds that didn't work so I went to EMT and they put me on Majic mouthwash. Didn't even have to take the whole bottle. It comes in a bottle that you keep in the fridge. After I seen my new Rheumatologist she lowered the dose to 15. Never was bothered with oral thrush again. I had taken Prednisone for over 8 months. Off for about a year but now back on 10 mg. for my R.P which is horrible. Plus got 7 compression fractures this past year from early osteoporosis and taking steroids. Good luck.

gargle with salt water in the morning after every meal and at bedtime if that don't work then there must be an underlying condition

— Jan 25, 2022

I started a script for Prednisone 10mg. 1-2 tabs daily. I was only given 15 tabs. How to a stop taking abruptly or cut in half ????

— Feb 2, 2022

How long-term use of15 mg be considered dangerous because they keep my nasal polyps at bay

PLEASE ASK YOUR ALLERGIST ABOUT DUPIXENT! I have had chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps for 30 years and have been on enough steroids to kill an elephant! That was the only thing that kept my polyps at bay UNTIL my allergist started me on Dupixent injections...let's just say it is a MIRACLE! It was developed for asthma and eczema but was shown to reduce nasal polyps so he tried me on it and it has worked wonders!!! Good luck!

— Feb 3, 2022

nice post

— Feb 3, 2022

very useful words

— Feb 3, 2022

Amazing post

— Feb 3, 2022

good information

— Feb 7, 2022

I have severe RA, fibromyalgia and Sjögren’s. I recently was taking 5 mg of prednisone daily for an RA flare. Surprisingly, my Sjögren’s symptoms (dry eyes, dry mouth, dry shin) improved. So I stayed on the prednisone for a month. When I told my rheumatologist that, he responded that I couldn’t stay on it for so long. He then proscribed a weaning off schedule. As I took less of the prednisone, my Sjögren’s came back with a vengeance! I want to resume a low dose regimen, but I’m fearful of the side effects. I need some advice.

I have scjogrens and also have cardiac problems long term steroids use is not healthy for your organs I know when I take them I feel great but also know that long term use is not good for you. I also take them wait a few months then again so its not daily and so often.

I have been taking prednisone for about four years I am taking three 1mg every morning my GP has never told me to go off them and at my age of 81 Years I will stay on them as I believe in
quality over quantity they have helped me to some degree although life is not easy as I no longer can eat of swallow food everything has to be puréed not the best way to have to live particularly when you have to sit and watch people enjoying food that I will never be able to taste again but can smell, haven't eating a meal in seven years.

Omgosh why have I been suffering for so long when I hear of everyone on prednisone with fibromyalgia / arthritis osteoporosis and I'm suffering like hell but not anymore ,I'm begging for some tomorrow ...I will keep you posted...there is hope!!!

Kim, if you're believing you're improving that much from fibromyalgia from taking a glucocorticoid, then you may be misdiagnosed as fibro is not an inflammatory disorder but rather a disorder of central sensitization. As far as your arthritis, again - what kind of arthritis? There are many, many kinds and so if you have osteoarthritis, that too is not known to be an inflammatory condition

Kim Heck, I have ra and fibromyalgia. I’ve been on 10 mg a day for 12 yrs. My skin is a little thin but thank God there is not too much pain unless I have a flare up. It may have side effects, but when you can’t get pain meds, it is nice to have prednisone. Every dr I go to wants to take me off of it, but they don’t offer to do anything else for you, which I think is the pits!

— Feb 26, 2022


— Apr 5, 2022

I have been on pregniselone for a week now. I am taking 20 mg per day. 2 times 10 mg. I suddenly feel psychotic scared. Feel like vomiting. Everything looks strange.
I took it for severe inflammation following thf pfizer vaccine.
How can I come off it asap safely. As last time I took it a month ago I came off it quickly. I tried coming off it 2 days ago and my entire body broke down. Severe side effects. I gave extreme nausea and psychosis. What do I do? I’ve tried walking. I’ve lost my appetite. I have haemerriods. I stare into space. If I ate something other than fruit would I feel better?
I just want to come down off it snd I don’t know what to do???? Please help asap.

best thing would be to detoxify preferably with an iv drip at the hospital other than that you have to wait it out it will go away-your side effects sounds more like the side effects of zyban ot some forms on anti depressants- anyways I will pray for you tc and good luck

I have been on prednisone for 1 1/2 years. After all my COVID shots I got autumn hepatic. My kidneys are affected and my bones are also affected. My Dr told me well you can't live without a liver

— Apr 10, 2022

I only started this yesterday for lung inflammation due to an infection and having Lupus. I took three out of the 6 tabs for the first day which would be 12mg . I felt wired and squirrelly all day like shakey and foggy headed, but still in a good mood and just tried to ignore the weird feelings, because atleast I could breathe more easily atleast. By the evening, suddenly I felt the worst panic/fear type feelings for no reason and bordering psychosis. Jumping at every sound or movement, my heart was pounding for hours and having sharp chest/stomach pains. Everything looked scary to me in my peripheral vision. I felt like a zombie and could barely talk, but heart pounding wildly…. Throughout the day I also had increasing deep pain radiating from my hips, knees, through my entire legs until I could not bear to stand at night. I am a pretty small person… 5’2” and 105-110lbs. I also have had a problem with my heart skipping beats in the past… I wonder if the dosing for this packet I got is just too much for me personally…I am supposed to be on it for four more days and there’s no way I can handle that without being in a psych ward lol 😖😵‍💫 It was prescribed to me by someone that is not my primary doctor because I went for emergency breathing trouble. It is the weekend now and can’t get in touch with my doctor until the week unfortunately… I stopped taking the medication last night and have no intention of continuing it. I felt like I was in hell. I was nervous about everything that said it’s dangerous to stop taking it… :/ but after how horrible that felt, I’d rather have some physical complication than mental honestly…

yeah you needed a much lower dose like 1 mg a day -the only thing that wouls help you calm down would be like lorazapam or valum or a strong sleeping pill like zopiclone-prolly hit your hard cause of your size and perhaps not use to taking strong drugs tc

The exact same thing happened to me and I am 6’4 220
I took 3 out of the 6 pills and felt exactly like the girl above was describing

— May 8, 2022

hi I have been suffering for allergic sinus inflammation on and off since 2019 with either change of weather , cold, dust or pollen grass. It gives right side headache and back of head with moderate white mucus discharge .Every time i try decongestant, steam vapour and other antihistamines it gives very slow response. ENT sinus specialist prescribed 25 mg prednisone

— Jun 12, 2022

I have been taking prednisolone 1% for over a year 3 times a day in my left eye. Along with the following: brimonide tartrate .2% solution (twice a day in both eyes over 6 months in my right eye and over a year in my left eye) timolol maleate .5% in both eyes (about 6 months in both), and ketorolac tromethanine ophthalmic solution .5% in my left eye 3 times a day. What side effects should I expect?

I'm not if I should start low dosage
No pain.abd soft just notice urinary frequency..doesn't feel like UTI
I know they r watching for cataract change but don't have an appt til August
Just notice a little balance issue I'm 80

Elevated eye pressure has been a side effect of Prednisolone for the treatment of uveitis caused by my HLA-B27 gene. When I’m not having a flare I use one drop of prednisolone in my right eye twice per week and Rhopressa nightly before bedtime. When I’m having a flare Prednisolone eight times per day for the first week and then the tapering begins. During this time Brimonidine three times per day, Dorzolamide three times per day and Rhopressa before bedtime. I also take 120 mg of Mirtogenol daily. I get eye pressure checks every 6-8 weeks when my eye is calm and more often when I’m having a flare. This has worked for keeping my eye pressure in range and my eye calm.

— Jul 31, 2022

Good day. I have been taking Prednisones for almost 2 years now...been treated for Polymyalgia. I started with 20mg. I am now on 5mg for almost 6 months...havent seen a doctor for approx the same period of time. I just need to get off it. Can i stop taking it completely now or do i need to taper to 2.5 mg and for how long? I still have some pain in the back though. I would like to know if there is alternative medication i could use instead of preds pllease?

Connie, look up the Jesus shot. You can find it online. There have been drs who say it doesn’t work. It gets rid of inflammation. My sister and I both took the shot. I am 68; I was able to bend over and pick stuff up off the floor. I could walk like a 16 yr old. It helped me for nine months. The only problem is they charge $300 and it is not covered by insurance. I was pain free for 9 mo. Unless your allergic to steroids, it’s amazing!

When weaning off...once down to 5mgs you need to wean VERY slow. It takes time for your adrenal glands to kick in. Infact weaning to swiftly causes pain and often is mistaken that the PMR is still there. Every few weeks drop a mg. You may not feel the best for a couple days as your adrenal glands adjust. Be kind to yourself and rest and take Tylenol if needed. At 2.5mgs I went down in half mgs every week to two weeks.

For those that may have additional autoimmune problems PMR may be a long term problem with flares. Much like fibromyalgia. I still get flares but opted not to do very long term low dose prednisone. I posted here in another post why.

I am on an anti inflamatory diet. I use cannibus gummies for sleep. I just bite a piece off...not a whole one. It works. On bad days I take 1 Tramadol and Tylenol. Not daily...just as needed. I also take vitamins and minerals.
Best to you😊

— Aug 2, 2022

I have ongoing pyaderma gangriosums which keep appearing over my body. I have seen a heamotologist , rheumatologist, gastroenterologist & dermatologist. Am currently on 39mgms a day and they don’t seem to be helping. I have been on prednisone for the past 2 years off and on anywhere from 75mgs to 5 over this period. I also have COPD and they help considerably with this and help me breath more easily. I also have issues when not on the prednisone with eating, food is simply repulsive to me and I actually gag at the thought of eating, no matter what the food is. I have lost a considerable amount of weight. The gastroenterologist is treating me for chrones disease that the infusions are working to some extent, but they now at 8 weekly intervals and don’t have the immediate effect. My appetite is lagging in between doses and the pyodermas seem to escalate in between doses. Any suggestions, comments or advice would be greatly appreciated as this has been an ongoing, painful ailment for about 2 years now.

— Sep 16, 2022

I have developed itching all over my body for about one year for which I see dermatologist.He has prescribed me prednisone 10 mg on and off which controls itching very well.If I stop prednisone itching starts.I am 80years old.Can I take low dosage like 2.5 to 5 mg a day for the rest of my life?Mydermatologist has done biopsy and blood tests a few times but everything is normal.

— Nov 2, 2022

I have terrible fibro I. Pain all rhe time. But I have electrical pro lem (bigemeney) so my heart dr said no I eas o. Ir for a few days it leaped sooooo much wish u could take it

— Nov 3, 2022

Man I just had a awful experience with 10mg a day prednisone.
Obviously more an allergic reaction than side effect.
I think the word is gastro issues. Any how couldn’t keep food down, in, out. You name it, persevered for week until really was forced to stop due to weakness and dehydration. 2 days latter appetite returning , nausea diminished.
I’m writing this because symptoms were extreme for low dose, and didn’t seem to fit. So may help someone else in similar circumstances.
I should of stopped well before, 6 days
Thanks to others that shared.
I have no idea where this is based , but I’m in New Zealand

— Dec 1, 2022

I enjoyed reading the comments. I've had autoimmune problems for years and developed sjorgrens and then Polymylagia Rhuematica. The doctor wanted long term 5mgs. I opted for 3mgs and was on it three years until the PMR somewhat subsided.

It left me with some permenant effects and feel badly about it. I had phenomenal bones. Now they are just good and have developed the very beginning of osteoporosis in my hips. I always had perfect sugar numbers and now they are mildly elevated and despite losing pounds to my ideal weight remain elevated. I have severe muscle loss in my back. It shouldn't be as I'm very active. I had horrendous vision problems. Thank goodness no cataracts. It took over a year for my vision to return to normal. I know I'm older...but my skin thinned and aged fast. I did research and it can destroy collagen which can't be replaced. My hair thinned and as of this date has not thickened back. The whole time on it I had stomach distress despite taking Prevacid. It elevated my liver numbers. They seem to slowly be improving.

Did it help with pain? Absolutely and I had energy galore. I thought it was a miracle medicine. I supose I needed it with PMR. I was so sick. Now I wonder if it was the right thing to do.

Everyone is different, but I advise to be your own advocate and research it throughly and listen to your bodies symptoms. Best to everyone suffering pain. We are all in the same boat trying to find the best quality of life with chronic pain.😊