by Liz Wilkey
A heartwarming blend of medical mystery, intimate journal, comic survival guide, and a “zenchanted” map to acceptance, this memoir recounts the story of a family’s journey within the often-invisible world of autoimmunity. The book leads the reader through the misery and mayhem encountered while one woman attempted to raise three daughters with autoimmune conditions, such as lupus, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Hashimoto's thyroidititis, and spondyloarthritis. It then details what happened when a life-altering, autoimmune disease called Sjögren’s swooped down to hit her squarely in the eyes as well. Covering topics as diverse as “Identity Theft,” “The Doctor-Patient Fit,” "Little House of Illness" and “Using Buddhist Philosophy to Deal with Chronic Illness,” this book serves as a handbook of sorts for all those who wish to understand the emotions and obstacles encountered in living with chronic illness and provides a strategy for coping for the 50 million Americans who are currently living with autoimmune diseases.
"Drying My Tears" has been endorsed by the American Autoimmune Related Disease Association, the Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation, and the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy.
Sjögren’s-Related Books