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Patient-to-patient topic: 
Managing a Career with Sjögren's

What is your best advice for another patient dealing with this symptom/ situation?
Take care of yourself first. Working as a nurse, I am constantly caring for others, tending to their needs, both physical and emotional. Oftentimes, all-consuming, my job becomes too challenging to complete because I forget to care for myself first. You are your priority, don’t forget!

What are your most difficult symptoms?
The chronic fatigue and parotid pain I experience during exacerbations.

What do you wish people knew about your Sjögren’s?
I wish that people knew how physically debilitating Sjögren’s can truly be. It is a hidden illness, one that is not outwardly visible but limits and challenges your body all the same. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t real!

How has Sjögren's impacted your life (either physically, emotionally, financially)?
Having Sjögren’s required my early attention to health at a young age. Being diagnosed at only 11 years old posed its own challenges, some entirely outside of the disease itself. I had to quickly adjust to frequent healthcare appointments, personnel and treatment modalities. I had to learn to become in tune with my body in order to appropriately troubleshoot issues as they arose. Most importantly, I had to learn how not to let it rule my life. Despite all this, I truly believe that it has and will continue to help me to become a better nurse and person for the rest of my life.