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Patient-to-patient topic: 
Brain fog and Sjögren's.

What do you wish you knew when first dealing with this symptom/situation?:
I wish I knew to be patient and gentle with myself and understand that productivity may fluctuate due to my brain fog.

What are the top 3 over-the-counter products or tools you use when dealing with this symptom/situation?:
Turmeric and Ginger supplement, Omega 3 supplement, and Acupuncture.

What is your best advice for another patient dealing with this symptom/ situation?:
My best advice for another patient dealing with brain fog is to be patient and gentle with yourself. Allow yourself the space and time to rest when needed, as pushing too hard can exacerbate symptoms. Break tasks into manageable steps, prioritize what needs to be done, and don't hesitate to ask for help when possible!

In a few short sentences, please tell us your story with this symptom and anything additional for advice for another patient going through something similar.:
In my journey, brain fog often slows down my ability to process information and think clearly. At times I felt insecure because in some instances I was perceived differently due to the fact that it took me a lot longer to process things . Through this experience, I've learned the importance of patience and self-compassion. My advice to others facing similar challenges is to not be hard on yourself for something that is out of your control!

Please finish the following sentence: "Sjögren's has taught me...":
Sjögren's has taught me resilience and the importance of self-care. It's shown me the value of small victories and the strength that comes from advocating for my own health.

What are your most difficult symptoms?:
Fatigue and brain fog.

How has Sjögren's impacted your life (either physically, emotionally, financially)?:
Physically, it's a daily battle against fatigue that weighs down every step, joint pain that echoes with each movement, and relentless dryness that parches the very essence of vitality. Emotionally, it's a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows, navigating moments of frustration, resilience, and fleeting glimpses of joy amidst the struggles. It's learning to find strength in vulnerability, to embrace each day with courage and determination.

How do you effectively cope with the complexity of symptoms?:
Coping effectively with the complexity of Sjögrens for me involves self-care practices like hydration and rest, relying on a support network, adapting routines, and practicing mindfulness.

What do you wish people knew about your Sjögren’s?:
Living with Sjögren’s syndrome is an intricate tapestry of challenges that often goes unnoticed by those who haven't experienced it firsthand. If there's one thing I wish people knew about my journey with Sjögren’s, it's the relentless trio of fatigue, pain, and brain fog that weaves its way into every aspect of my life.

How do you incorporate self-care with managing Sjögren's?:
To me incorporating self-care is about learning to listen to my body and the subtle cues that demand attention and care. When fatigue weighs heavy like a burden, I rest to recharge and rejuvenate.

What is your go-to Sjögren's product?:
ACT dry mouth gum.

What’s your best Sjögren’s tip?:
Stay hydrated!