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As finding alternatives to overall wellness, mind and body, continue to evolve in present day, many holistic health techniques have stood the test of time, proving to offer benefits that heal the body from the inside out. Yoga is one of these holistic healers.

Many centuries ago, when yoga was said to be created, ancient peoples made yoga their daily routine to treat and ward off disease and to become peaceful in the mind. The body would react to this practice over- time, ceasing illness and spiritual negativity from the body. As I continue on my journey into offering yoga for therapeutic purposes as a registered yoga teacher, I witness what these ancient yogis were onto. Yoga is a practice that benefits the body in many ways. Different yoga poses promote healing for different body parts. Here are some poses that have exponential benefits:

Energize & Open Your Heart with Camel Pose 

Sanskrit Name: Ustrasana

Boost your energy and open your heart with camel pose. This pose is known for eliminating the feeling of sluggishness or fatigue and promoting energy through the body while creating more oxygen to the brain. Come to your knees on the floor with knees hip-distance apart. Allow your toes to untuck and stabilize through the legs. Bring your hands to your lower back with palms facing in and finger tips facing down. Push the pelvis forward to create space for the spine to keep alignment. Inhale and lift your heart higher by letting the shoulder blades relax down the back. Exhale and allow your back to release down, energy through the crown of the head as you lean back. Let your neck relax, tensing up here will be counteractive. Breathe deeply for 5 to 10 breaths or until you find comfort in the pose. Inhale to slowly rise back up to a straight spine. Release with a few trunk twists or any movement that will feel good to your body after this pose.

Take a Chill Pill & Relieve Anxiety with Bridge Pose

Sankrit Name: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Feeling anxious and nervous about something? Alleviate stress, worry, and anxiety with bridge pose, a beginner’s inversion.

Lie flat on your back with knees bent parallel, feet flat on the ground, arms down by your sides. On your inhale, rise your pelvis toward the sky and keep pushing down through the feet and hands to balance the weight. Take this a step further by placing a block or study pillow under the back to stay with your pelvis elevated. Stay here for about 5 breath cycles. On a slow exhale, lower back down slowly to your mat and repeat.

Ease S.I. Joint Discomfort with Triangle Pose

Sanskirt Name: Trikonosana

Experiencing aches and pains in your lower back area? It could be something deeper caused by your sacroiliac joint, the pelvis joint formed by the sacrum and ilium. Its main function is to manage stability and weight transfer. While many experience this pain, so few actually know it is connected with their sacroiliac joint. Visiting a chiropractor if you are unsure is highly recommended, however, spending some time on your yoga mat may be the best way to relieve the pain. Standing poses, like Triangle Pose (Trikonosana), can increase strength in the glutes and rotator muscles, which help support the S.I. joint.

Stand up against a wall and step feet apart with a wide stance, feet should be wider than shoulder-width and toes facing forward. Turn your left toes to face the side, so that your left foot is now parallel against the wall. Press into both feet, pull up in the knees, and keep the legs straight. Push into the right hip and bring the arms into a T, with finger tips reaching away. Begin to reach your left hand down toward your toes, and continue to bring your right arm up and back. Continue to reach until the shoulders are stacked vertically and you reach your shin, toes, or the ground inside your left foot. Engage your core and try to keep your bottom from touching the wall without leaning forward. Breathe deeply 5 to 10 breath cycles. Inhale to rise back up to standing. Reverse the feet and re-peat on other side.

About the Author

Lee-Ann has a deep–rooted, therapeutic connection with yoga, and aspires to create opportunities for others that foster personal growth and well-being. She completed her RYT 200 at Bombay Yoga Company in 2016 and teaches at Mellow Yoga Studio in Philadelphia, PA. Lee-Ann recently created Two Hearts Dance & Yoga.

This information was first printed in the Foundation's member newsletter.


— Aug 15, 2024

Je suis atteinte du syndrome de gougerots jogren en France, je suis toujours atteinte de douleur différentes j'aimerai savoir si cette méthode existe en France.
Merci à vous 🙏