Use your voice this World Sjögren's Day!
World Sjögren's Day was created by the Sjögren's Foundation to raise much needed awareness for Sjögren's. It is marked every year on July 23rd, the birthday of Dr. Henrik Sjögren, a Swedish ophthalmologist who discovered Sjögren's. The Foundation is joined by organizations around the world to draw attention to Sjögren's and the disease's impact on millions of patients.
It is a day meant to put a face on the millions of people who live with this disease or suffer from symptoms and have yet to be diagnosed. It gives everyone touched by Sjögren's a vehicle to reach out and educate those close to them - family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. - about the disease. It is the ideal opportunity for you to have your voice heard and to spread awareness about this life-altering disease.
Leading up to World Sjögren's Day and especially on the day itself, talk about Sjögren’s with the people in your life. Share your story and educate others! By doing so, you are helping spread the message that Sjögren's is a serious disease that deserves to be recognized. You may also be helping someone who is looking for answers to their own questions.
Click Here to Learn More about World Sjögren's Day
Use your voice this World Sjögren's Day!
World Sjögren's Day was created by the Sjögren's Foundation to raise much needed awareness for Sjögren's. It is marked every year on July 23rd, the birthday of Dr. Henrik Sjögren, a Swedish ophthalmologist who discovered Sjögren's. The Foundation is joined by organizations around the world to draw attention to Sjögren's and the disease's impact on millions of patients.
It is a day meant to put a face on the millions of people who live with this disease or suffer from symptoms and have yet to be diagnosed. It gives everyone touched by Sjögren's a vehicle to reach out and educate those close to them - family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. - about the disease. It is the ideal opportunity for you to have your voice heard and to spread awareness about this life-altering disease.
Leading up to World Sjögren's Day and especially on the day itself, talk about Sjögren’s with the people in your life. Share your story and educate others! By doing so, you are helping spread the message that Sjögren's is a serious disease that deserves to be recognized. You may also be helping someone who is looking for answers to their own questions.
Click Here to Learn More about World Sjögren's Day